First Impressions Matter - Make it Count

Create meaningful first impressions that leave a positive lasting impression on your new hires.
Close up of business person giving another person a small gift

Imagine how it feels from a new member’s perspective, to have just signed a contract for a new role, and then they receive a package at their home address from their new employer.  They open it, feel delighted, and tell everyone about their gift, their new role and their wonderful new organisation.

By doing that, you will have just created a new company ambassador, and they haven’t even started yet.

Many companies say that they leave a gift for their new person for their first day at work, but receiving it at home before they start adds so much more impact!

To get you thinking about what you could do, here are a few examples we’ve recommended over the years:

  • A stationery company sent out a store voucher (encouraging the new person to go into a store, experience the environment and explore the range)
  • A drinks company sent a box of 12 different drinks they produce (helping the new person experience all the drinks they make)  
  • An airline sent out a mock boarding pass showcasing the staff travel benefit (inspiring the new person and reinforcing their decision to join)
  • A service company sent out whatever leftover branded items marketing had, eg. game, water bottle, cap  (giving them a sense of early belonging)

The idea is to surprise and delight them, get them talking about your company, and showcase what makes your company unique with something that reflects its culture and/or core business in a tangible way.

Think about what you could do.  Consider:  

  • How could you get them involved in what you offer?
  • How could you make your service or a benefit tangible?  
  • How could you make it exciting, personal and/or talkable?

That’s just the first part of Pre-boarding.  We’ll look at the other elements next.  

In the meantime, do you want to get better engagement, retention and productivity quickly and easily?  If so, get your own Induction App. It has everything you need to deliver onboarding and induction that will make a difference to you, your new inductees, your managers and HR.  

Check it out now!

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