Most companies hire 3 to keep 2

It's all about great onboarding
3 business people, one greyed out

Of your last 3 hires, how many are still working at your company?  Most companies actually hire 3 to keep 2.  

The research shows that 33% (or 1 in 3) of your new hires are either actively looking for, or still open to, other opportunities within the first 6 months of joining your company. That’s scary.

They may be actively looking for something better. Or they may still have their CV out with recruitment agencies.  Or they may still be in the applicant pool for other roles. Or their profile may still be up on Seek or some other recruitment platform.  

Whether they are active or passive, they are still open to other opportunities.

Unless you have effectively reassured your new hires that they made the right decision, and effectively reinforced that this is a great organisation to work for, they’ll be open to other offers and opportunities.
How well does your onboarding and induction reinforce their decision to join you?  Are they proud of the decision they’ve made, tell everyone how great their experience has been so far, and rave about your company?

Great onboarding makes a big difference.

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